Roman Road

"For whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved."

- Romans 10:13

How You Can Know God's Love

"There is a God in Heaven who loves you as you are and not as you should be."
Yes... you are right... there is a God. You know that must be true. The heart of
the human being longs for God, and logic demands divine existence.

While everyone believes God is... most sense separation from God. We
know God must be holy and good. We see ourselves as unholy and not good.
We conclude that God is angry with us and we cannot know Him.

Good News! This Testament of God's love is His Word to tell us that He loves
us as we are. That love will save us from our sin and make us what we should
be as God's children.

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." We hear Jesus say, "God so loved the world." God's love has no limitations. 
He loves "so". More than we can imagine. He loves everyone - not just some ones.

Romans 5:8 tells us that God loved us so that "when we were in our sin  Christ Jesus came to die for us."

Romans 3:23 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,"

This verse tells us that all people have sinned. We have fallen short of  God's intended purpose for us. God made us to know Him.... to receive His love and to love him in return.

For love to be love... for God to be God... and for humans to be humans....
God gave us a choice. We can choose to love ourselves and turn to our selfish pursuits. That is sin. In our sin we cannot know God and His love.  The result of sin is that we are lost... separated from God.

Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Wages are just payment... due reward... what one has coming because of  labor. The just payment for our sin is death.

Death here means spiritual insensitivity. When we are still in our sin, we have no life with God. We are alive physically but dead spiritually. If we continue in that condition, we will be separated from God for all eternity.

The wages of sin is death. but God's free gift is eternal life. While wages are earned, a gift is offered... no strings attached. God says He will give us eternal life - life with Him - in the place of sin's payment of death.

How can God remain true to His holiness and forgive unholy sinners?

Because Jesus, His Son, has paid the price for sin by His death on the cross.

Second Corinthians 5:21 says, "He who knew no sin became sin for us, that we may be made the righteousness of God through Him."

Jesus arose from the grave to conquer sin and death for all who receive Him as God's free gift.

How can you receive God's free gift of love and life?

Romans 10:9-10 "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation."

A person receives God's free gift of love and life by placing faith in Jesus Christ. To believe is simply to take God at His word. With our heart (whole believing) we believe that Jesus is God's Son who died for our sin on the cross and arose from the grave to live in us as Savior and Lord.

To believe in Jesus will result in confessing that faith with one's mouth.

Do you acknowledge that your are a sinner?

Do you believe by faith that Jesus, God's Son, died for your sin on the cross?

Will you now confess Him as your Savior and Lord?

Romans 10:13 "for Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved."

This verse says that any person who will call upon the name of Jesus, the Lord, shall be saved.

To call means simply to ask in prayer. The verse does not require one to know more... do better... clean up one's life... or in any way try to add to what Jesus has done for us.

Will you now call upon Jesus to save you from your sin so that you can know God's love and forgiveness?

When anyone calls on the Lord in this manner, that one is saved according to God's Word. If you pray a prayer of repentance and faith, you are saved. You have God's word on it.


Mid-Week Children, Youth and Family Fun!. With-in walking distance of your home or call to arrange church van pickup.

Bible Clubs:
Bible Clubs are from 6:30pm-7:30pm each Wednesday Night! We have classes for everyone! and a snack is served.
Teen Discovery:
Teens can participate in our Discovery Program, which features great lessons and offers an opportunity to meet other teens. Discovery for Teens begins at 6:30pm and goes until 7:30pm.
Vacation Bible School: The church begins planning for the annual VBS Day-Out held in the summer in March of each year. Teens can participate in joining class or assisting with games, food prep, supervision of the smaller children. This is a great day for the church family.
Old Fashion Religion: Looking for a Christ Centered Church, Old Time Religion. Tired of the large church message, lost in the crowd. We are a church or families, raising children, loving the lord. Check us out. Come visit, stay a while, learn what we believe and center yourself on a balanced life: Christ and Family values. See "What We Believe...." listed on this blog.
We hope that you will bring your family and join us!

Thought or Verse of the Day . . .

You don't have to be brain-dead to live for Jesus, but when you are, you'll be glad you did.
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When we think of yesterday without regret and tomorrow without fear, you are near contentment.
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Change your prayers - sometimes wake-up in the morning and say, "God, what can I do for you today"
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