Pastoral Contact

Are you seeking information or contact with the pastor?

Contact The Pastor . . .

  • Pastor Cell # (903) 268-3465
  • Church # (903) 454-1501
  • Email: . .
  • Email: . . .


Mid-Week Children, Youth and Family Fun!. With-in walking distance of your home or call to arrange church van pickup.

Bible Clubs:
Bible Clubs are from 6:30pm-7:30pm each Wednesday Night! We have classes for everyone! and a snack is served.
Teen Discovery:
Teens can participate in our Discovery Program, which features great lessons and offers an opportunity to meet other teens. Discovery for Teens begins at 6:30pm and goes until 7:30pm.
Vacation Bible School: The church begins planning for the annual VBS Day-Out held in the summer in March of each year. Teens can participate in joining class or assisting with games, food prep, supervision of the smaller children. This is a great day for the church family.
Old Fashion Religion: Looking for a Christ Centered Church, Old Time Religion. Tired of the large church message, lost in the crowd. We are a church or families, raising children, loving the lord. Check us out. Come visit, stay a while, learn what we believe and center yourself on a balanced life: Christ and Family values. See "What We Believe...." listed on this blog.
We hope that you will bring your family and join us!

Thought or Verse of the Day . . .

You don't have to be brain-dead to live for Jesus, but when you are, you'll be glad you did.
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When we think of yesterday without regret and tomorrow without fear, you are near contentment.
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Change your prayers - sometimes wake-up in the morning and say, "God, what can I do for you today"
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